Patrick West to Speak at MCLE
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
10 Winter Place
Boston, MA
On Tuesday, June 6, Patrick West will speak on the panel for MCLE: Representing Start-ups, about the attributes of a successful start-up from the perspective of an entrepreneur and investor. Specifically, Patrick will discuss the attributes of Good Idea, Market Opportunity, Great Team and Execution Capacity. He will also provide a high level overview on fund raising and where to go when seeking capital, as well as what leads to optimal outcomes (exits) for these companies.
Patrick West is an accomplished executive, entrepreneur, advisor and director with extensive executive management and M&A experience in the healthcare technology and oil and gas / manufacturing sectors. During a distinguished career with global orthopedic device manufacturer Stryker Corporation, Patrick worked at three divisions, culminating in his appointment as Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing for Stryker Biotech. During his career at Stryker he participated in numerous M&A and JV negotiations.
In addition to his focus on helping companies maximize enterprise and ultimately exit value as a partner at Mirus, Patrick continues to hold a range of non-executive board positions and provides angel investment and strategic direction to a portfolio of companies.
Founded in 1987, Mirus Capital Advisors is a middle-market investment bank that specializes in merger advisory, capital-raising services, fairness opinions and valuations to entrepreneurs, corporations and professional investors in consumer products, manufacturing, business services, technology, health care and resort & hospitality industries. By combining a proven process, industry & transactional expertise, and personalized service, Mirus has completed hundreds of transactions for both public and private companies. Our affiliate Mirus Securities, Inc. is a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member. For additional information, visit