Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Technology Expertise

The Technology sector has led all other sectors in overall M&A activity over the last decade and Mirus believes it will maintain its leadership position over the next decade as well.

Ubiquitous bandwidth and cloud computing, coupled with on-demand and consumable information technology resources, continue to accelerate innovation and time to market. Technology innovation is disrupting entrenched business models and is blurring the once distinct line between software, hardware and IT services. In order for larger incumbents to keep pace in growing their businesses, they turn to M&A to augment their research and development activities. This reality will continue to drive the technology M&A culture for the foreseeable future.

Mirus has been an active technology deal maker for the last 25 years. Representing professional investors and boards, as well as bootstrapped closely held businesses, Mirus has closed over 100 transactions in industry sectors including:


Featured Report

Q2 2024 Manufacturing Automation Report

An in-depth look at the Manufacturing Automation sector for Q2, 2024, where Mirus’ partners apply their expertise and experience to take a closer look at news, transactions, and state of the industry.