Caird Corporation Announces Acquisition of Hostcentric

Waltham, MA, – (May 11, 2005) – After lengthy planning and negotiations, Caird Corporation, a market leader in shared hosting, announced the successful acquisition of the Hostcentric brand and shared hosting business lines from Interland Inc. Mirus Securities, Inc. represented Interland on the transaction.
Interland has owned and managed the Hostcentric brand since acquiring the company in 2003. Caird will maintain the Hostcentric brand and add the Hostcentric business, which represents thousands of hosting customers world-wide, to its already successful family of shared hosting brands.
Plans for Hostcentric include adding additional functionality and features to the already successful hosting platform and service. In June, customers will be introduced to new functionality when accounts are transferred to an enhanced hosting platform, which was designed specifically to meet the needs of businesses, resellers, and individuals. The plan is to combine the best of what Hostcentric has to offer with many new features, products, and services, including a great new client control panel.
The acquisition of the already strong Hostcentric brand and business provides the opportunity to continue serving the shared hosting market through strong brands and service levels tailored to businesses and individual needs.
The Hostcentric brand will continue to be marketed to business, resellers, and individuals offering them the shared hosting plans, reseller, and affiliate partner programs and service they have come to rely upon.
About Caird Corporation
Since 1997, Caird Corporation has worked exclusively with a select group of shared hosting providers to deliver world-class solutions for the personal and small/medium business markets. Through many online properties, Caird serves thousands of customers around the world.
About Hostcentric
Hostcentric offers a complete suite of services that enables customers to manage their Web presence. Solutions include e-commerce, Web hosting, and global domain management.
About Mirus Securities
Mirus Securities, Inc. (member FINRA, SIPC) provides investment banking solutions to middle market corporations in targeted technology, manufacturing, and service industries. The firm’s services include merger advisory, private equity raising, and valuation services for entrepreneurs, corporations, and professional financial investors. Additional information about the firm is available at
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