Mirus completes 409A valuation for PHT Corporation

Mirus was engaged by PHT Corporation in 2006 to provide a valuation of its common stock in connection with its ISO plan. PHT Corporation helps pharmaceutical companies and CROs conduct clinical trial programs with greater confidence, ease and accuracy. Proven PHT electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) Systems collect patient-driven eData via smartphones, tablets, and the web. This data, available via the StudyWorks™ online reporting portal, provides sponsors and clinicians with a real time window into how patients feel and function. PHT has helped trial sponsors collect patient-driven eData in 650+ global trials resulting in 16+ regulatory approvals. PHT Clinical Science and Consulting offers the scientific, regulatory, and technological expertise today’s eCOA market demands and patients deserve.
About Mirus Capital Advisors
Mirus Capital Advisors provides investment banking solutions to corporate clients in technology, business services, manufacturing, consumer products, health care, and the resort & hospitality industry. Since 1987, Mirus has provided corporate finance advisory services on engagements including mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, recapitalizations, and valuations. For additional information, visit www.merger.com.
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