News & Views
Mergers & Acquisitions in PLM: Q3 Update
So far in 2014, we have found that not only has the pace of acquisitions been maintained from 2013, but in at least one case it has accelerated.
Mergers & Acquisitions in Manufacturing Automation
This whitepaper provides enlightening qualitative, as well as quantitative analyses, of the Manufacturing Automation industry that will help you track M&A activity, and develop your own strategic buy or sell side transaction plans.
Top 10 Takeaways for Successful Deal Making in the Middle Market
This whitepaper provides a Ten List of Key Takeaways of deal making experience. Many of these lessons were learned the hard way so hopefully they help you make the right decision the first time around when you find yourself exploring your strategic alternatives
So, How Have You Matured Your Business Lately?
In developing the liquidity planning model, Mirus has compiled a wealth of data based on actual case studies for dozens of companies and transactions that both validate these indicators and are predictive of valuation.
Volatility – The New Normal And Why Liquidity Planning Is A Strategic Necessity
Driven by the economic and political uncertainties of today’s integrated complex global economy, persistent volatility has become the “new normal,” making the days of having a lot of business and economic visibility a thing of the past.
Already Have A Buyer? Why You Still Need An Investment Banker
Getting the buyer to the table is just the first of many steps in a long, complicated process that most business owners have not been through before. Trying to figure this out on your own is risky.
Tips For Troubled Companies Ten Things Every Officer And Director Should Know
Many CEOs and board members are unfamiliar with the heightened personal exposure to liability that comes into play when a company is financially distressed. We have found that in times of financial distress and market dislocation, business leaders are often too slow to recognize a trend, and therefore...
M&A Strategies In A Down Market
With the U.S. economy heading in the wrong direction and the equity markets in disarray, Mirus considers in this issue how middle-market companies should be approaching mergers and acquisitions.