Press Releases
- 11/07/2013 Peter Alternative Quoted in MergerMarket’s Mid Year Review
- 03/11/2013 Senior Software Executive Joins Mirus Partnership
- 09/30/2012 Peter Alternative featured in the New England Deal Drivers Review
- 11/28/2011 Senior Dealmaker Andrew Crain Joins Mirus Capital Advisors
- 02/02/2011 Peter Alternative featured in Mass High Tech Article: New England Firms Move to the Buy Side
- 01/07/2011 Mirus Capital Advisors Expands Senior Investment Banking Team
- 09/02/2010 Exit Planning Exchange (XPX) – Boston is pleased to announce that Laura Kevghas has joined the XPX – Boston Board of Directors.
- 09/01/2010 Peter Alternative Featured in Mass High Tech Article: Investment Banks with the Top 20 M&A Deals
- 07/22/2010 Laura Kevghas Featured in Promotional Products Business Article