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Industrial, Electronics Manufacturing, Industrial Manufacturing

The Impact of the Test, Measurement and Certification Industry

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The tools and techniques used in test and measurement, and in certification work, are essential in advancing new technologies and businesses. Starting with basic weights and measures in antiquity, to protractors, sextants, clocks, to spectrometers and oscilloscopes, and advancing to the most modern metrology tools and services, this industry continues to support innovation across the spectrum of the economy.

In his 1821 Report  to the Congress, President John Quincy Adams (then Secretary of State), noted that “Weights and measures may be ranked among the necessaries of life to every individual of human society.” Today, every industry, from aerospace and defense, to telecommunications, automotive, energy, medical, consumer electronics, semiconductors and more, relies on test and measurement tools for designing, manufacturing, deploying, calibrating, inspecting, certifying and maintaining equipment and entire systems.

For example, the world relies on modern electronic test and measurement tools in everything from automotive to electrical infrastructure to the Internet. Safety and compliance related testing and certification has advanced significantly in recent decades with the introduction of advanced sampling equipment and laboratory-based analyses.  Food production is supported by in-line process test equipment. This list goes on – in fact it’s hard to think of an example of a sector not impacted by advances in test and measurement.

Our clients in this industry have ranged from equipment and component providers to service providers. Many have benefited from significant changes in underlying technology as well as changes to regulatory and compliance standards.  From reducing waste, to improving production processes, to enhancing safety, these companies have played an important role in advancing multiple industries. We see continuing opportunity for companies investing in this industry.

You can find more of Alan’s perspectives at www.merger.com or contact him at fullerton@merger.com.