2020: The Year in Review
We had a lot to be proud of in 2020, and we are grateful for the continuing trust of our clients, colleagues, and the greater Boston M&A community. As it was a challenging year in many ways, it’s important we celebrate the success of our clients and the accomplishments of our team. Below are some […]

NP Tech: The Non-Profit Sector is Heating Up
When people think of software and technology for the non-profit sector, they generally think of Blackbaud, and more recently, Salesforce.com. Blackbaud is the biggest player in non-profits for sure, with over $546 million in revenue over the past twelve months, but Salesforce.com (which gives software away to small non-profits through its charitable foundation) is coming […]

The next wave for Healthcare IT
Last fall, ACG Boston hosted Edward Marx, Chairman of the Texas Health Services Authority and senior vice president and chief information officer at Texas Health Resources, one of the largest faith-based, nonprofit healthcare delivery systems in the U.S., and (as announced last week) the 2013 John E. Gall Jr. CIO of the Year, an award given […]

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