Why (or why not) take in new capital?
It’s been a remarkable time in private capital markets. The sheer amount of capital available and “chasing” opportunities has driven up valuations. Innovation and flexibility on the capital side have created more opportunities for entrepreneurs to do the kind of deal they really want, rather than just take what’s being offered. With that background, it’s […]

Answers to Questions from Middle Market C-Suite Executives: Part 1
This week Mirus partner Andrew Crain is answering questions from C-suite executives of middle market companies about investment bankers’ role advising private business owners: Question: Ideally, how long before a business is put on the market should an investment banker be involved? What are the risks to involving a banker too early? That’s a great […]

Beware the Spike
The Real Risk of Venture Debt A couple of years ago I was with a med-tech CEO who referred to venture debt as being like a super charger for your car. Strap it on and you get immediate low-end power to accelerate your efforts. Along with the super charger, he explained, a spike gets placed […]

Mind the Funding Gap
THE SERIES A CRUNCH I recently published a whitepaper on the challenges that early stage therapeutic device companies are having raising money, along with what I hope is some meaningful advice on alternative funding options. The gist of the article is that friends and family money is still fairly easy to come by. Initial seed round funding […]

A 10-Year Review & Analysis of Med-Tech Funding Trends
In the past, the next step would be for venture or institutional funds to take technology through to approval and market introduction. For a fairly straightforward 510K device this might be another $1 to 3 million. For a PMA device it could run upwards of $30 to 50 million or more. No matter where you are […]

Three places good businesses come from
At Mirus, we work with middle-market companies, typically closely-held and often “organically grown” with the founder(s) still involved. Most of our clients have built their business around particular cultures (customer-oriented, cost-driven, innovation-centered, team-oriented, etc.), strategy (focus, cost, etc.) as well as particular capabilities, often developed following early success with one or more significant customers. Sometimes […]

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