Four things to do now to prepare your business for due diligence
A deal isn’t done when the terms are agreed to in an LOI and is still subject to further due diligence at that point. An acquirer will want to do a detailed review of almost every aspect of your company’s operations. Below are a few of the most common issues that come up in due […]

M&A – What’s in store for 2016?
If 2015 was the year of mega-deals, fueled by a host of conditions including the availability of cash and stable public equity markets, tax considerations, and senior executive confidence, then what’s in store for 2016? The general sense coming out of Wall Street following earnings season seems to be that M&A activity at the very high-end […]

Mind the Funding Gap
THE SERIES A CRUNCH I recently published a whitepaper on the challenges that early stage therapeutic device companies are having raising money, along with what I hope is some meaningful advice on alternative funding options. The gist of the article is that friends and family money is still fairly easy to come by. Initial seed round funding […]

A 10-Year Review & Analysis of Med-Tech Funding Trends
In the past, the next step would be for venture or institutional funds to take technology through to approval and market introduction. For a fairly straightforward 510K device this might be another $1 to 3 million. For a PMA device it could run upwards of $30 to 50 million or more. No matter where you are […]

Three places good businesses come from
At Mirus, we work with middle-market companies, typically closely-held and often “organically grown” with the founder(s) still involved. Most of our clients have built their business around particular cultures (customer-oriented, cost-driven, innovation-centered, team-oriented, etc.), strategy (focus, cost, etc.) as well as particular capabilities, often developed following early success with one or more significant customers. Sometimes […]

A Review of 2014 Medical Device M&A
The Medical Device Industry Goes Big in 2014 It has clearly been an exciting year in the medical device M&A space if one is stimulated by sheer deal size. Three of the top ten healthcare acquisitions of the year are medical device deals, with the Medtronic/Covidien blockbuster leading the way. Top 10 Largest Health Care […]

Who would buy my company?
Many business owners are surprised to learn that large, often global, companies are active acquirers of lower middle market businesses. A company much larger than yours may be the right acquirer for your business. There’s a rule-of-thumb in M&A that the likely acquirer for a business is 3-10x larger than the seller. Large enough to […]

The Entrepreneur’s Path – It is All About Perspective
Foreshorten: to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained. I recently had the opportunity to reconnect with a former colleague who is an executive with Intrinsic Therapeutics, an “early stage” medical device company, with a very clever technology. It is early […]

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