December 2014
The Psychology of Selling a Business
There are many reasons why owners and founders come to Mirus Capital Advisors to sell their business, and I will spare you a comprehensive list, but in 17 years of selling businesses, I’ve been fascinated to see how often psychology comes into the decision-making process. By far, the most common answer to the question […]

Who would buy my company?
Many business owners are surprised to learn that large, often global, companies are active acquirers of lower middle market businesses. A company much larger than yours may be the right acquirer for your business. There’s a rule-of-thumb in M&A that the likely acquirer for a business is 3-10x larger than the seller. Large enough to […]

Small Business Investment Incentives – US vs. UK
As reported in the Angel Capital Association news-letter last week, The House passed the “Tax Increase Prevention Act” (TIPA) that amongst other things would exclude 100% of capital gains on the stock of small businesses acquired in 2014 and held for more than five years. It also eliminates the gain as an Alternative Minimum Tax […]

Where is your company headed?
We work with middle-market companies, many of which are clear outperformers – more profitable than peers, with great employees, and better growth prospects. Some attributes of good businesses can be captured in a snapshot – profit margin, return on invested capital – these are one-dimensional “scalar” quantities. They each give us a nice understanding of a […]

The Entrepreneur’s Path – It is All About Perspective
Foreshorten: to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained. I recently had the opportunity to reconnect with a former colleague who is an executive with Intrinsic Therapeutics, an “early stage” medical device company, with a very clever technology. It is early […]

The Impact of the Test, Measurement and Certification Industry
The tools and techniques used in test and measurement, and in certification work, are essential in advancing new technologies and businesses. Starting with basic weights and measures in antiquity, to protractors, sextants, clocks, to spectrometers and oscilloscopes, and advancing to the most modern metrology tools and services, this industry continues to support innovation across the […]

Three Key Ingredients for a Successful Roll-Up Strategy
Over the last several months, we’ve talked to numerous businesses contemplating roll-up strategies. These businesses represent a wide cross section of industries ranging from industrial manufacturing, financial services, and medical services to IT software and services. We expect add-on and roll-up activity to be a large piece of the overall M&A pie in 2020 and […]

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