December 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
M&A Representations & Warranties: “Risk”y Business
In the sale of a privately-owned company, the purchase & sale agreement serves two key purposes. First, of course, it states the purchase price to be paid for the stock or the assets of the business and the terms and conditions of how and when that price is to be paid. Second, the agreement allocates […]

Monday, December 11, 2017
2017 M&A: Race to the finish?
As we enter the final stretch of 2017, the year behind us saw a continuing rush of M&A activity, albeit at a slower pace than the frenzied 2016. At the same time, many market observers are optimistic about deal activity in 2018. For most of 2017, the year was notable for its dearth of blockbuster […]

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