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Bright Summer for Manufacturing – Best Performance in a Decade

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This August was not the time to be away on vacation if you’re in manufacturing.  According to the Institute for Supply Management (ISM), new orders reached a level not seen since April 2004 and the pace of growth rose in August to its highest level since March 2011.

The ISM said its index of national factory activity rose to 59.0 from 57.1 the month before.  The result topped expectations of 56.9, according to a Reuters poll of economists. According to the Wall Street Journal, these results are seen as fueling expectations that the U.S. economy will expand at a more robust clip in the second half of the year.

We’re very encouraged by the growth and related M&A activity in the manufacturing sector.  While there are some areas of concern – e.g. the strengthening dollar, events in the Middle East – the rebound of this sector has been gathering steam for some time.   Let’s see what the fall brings, but meanwhile, I hope your business is experiencing some of the recovery we’re seeing in U.S. manufacturing this year.