Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors


Mirus: 35 years of M&A

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A lot has changed in our world since our firm began doing business in 1987.

The US economy is 4.7 times as large as it was when Mirus first opened its doors, and the value of the S&P 500 is up over 17 times. The number of M&A deals in the US per year is more than 500% what it was in the late 1980s.  The average M&A deal value for bulge bracket banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley has increased from a few hundred million to over $3 billion per deal.  The private equity community has gone from a few large partnerships and specialized LBO funds (emphasis on the “L”) to a global force of nearly 7,000 active funds, according to McKinsey.  Clients have options today that were only available to companies ten times their size when we first started. Our industry has become more professionalized, with experienced investment bankers, attorneys, investors and lenders, personal financial advisors, accountants and diligence specialists all bringing expertise to support the client’s goals.

In short, we’re playing in a larger stadium with more on the line with each play, and with a high-quality team of professional firms around us and more options in the playbook than ever before.

Over the past year, US M&A activity totaled $3 trillion in value spread over nearly 22,000 transactions (including those with undisclosed values).  Our senior team, with over 100 years of combined M&A experience, has closed a number of notable transactions recently for clients in the technology, manufacturing and distribution, consumer, healthcare and business and industrial services sectors. Counterparties have included leading private equity firms, middle market strategics and public companies, ranging from mid-sized acquirers to global strategics.

Our clients choose to work with Mirus because we bring the right mix of deal experience and client engagement to help them realize the value of what they’ve accomplished with their businesses. We’ll continue to bring our very best to every client engagement.

Mirus – The Value of Accomplishment