What Does 2018 Hold for Telecom & Communications M&A?
Mirus has released its latest Industrial Sector Report. This quarter we focus on Telecom & Communications – companies that provide telecom services and related communications equipment. In the full report you’ll find industry news, transactions, and the state of the industry. Download the full report here

Q4 2017 Industrial Technology Report
Mirus has released its latest Industrial Sector Report. This quarter we focus on Industrial Technology – companies that make production faster and more efficient through the use of technology. In the full report you’ll find industry news, transactions, and the state of the industry. Download the full report here

2017 M&A: Race to the finish?
As we enter the final stretch of 2017, the year behind us saw a continuing rush of M&A activity, albeit at a slower pace than the frenzied 2016. At the same time, many market observers are optimistic about deal activity in 2018. For most of 2017, the year was notable for its dearth of blockbuster […]

The Einstein Effect
The recent headline “Einstein’s Note On Happiness, Given To Bellboy In 1922, Fetches $1.6 Million” demonstrates a few things relevant to valuation. Albert Einstein, the German-born theoretical physicist, father of the theory of relativity and the famous E = mc^2, and soon-to-be Nobel prize winner, was travelling to Tokyo in 1922 when he learned was […]

Time is on whose side?
The refrain of the song popularized by the Rolling Stones goes “time is on my side, yes it is.” How time is used in a negotiation, who manages the timetable and who benefits from a faster conclusion to the negotiation can be influential factors in the outcome. Time is usually on someone’s side in a […]

Manufacturing sector remains robust in 2017
Economic activity in the manufacturing sector continued to expand in April, according to the latest Institute for Supply Management (ISM) purchasing manufacturer’s index. While the PMI fell 2.4% from March, the report highlighted comments reflecting “stable to growing business conditions; with new orders, production, employment and inventories of raw materials all growing in April over […]

The myth of the handshake deal
It’s routine in nearly every movie about business — the scene where the two parties hash it out, reach agreement and shake hands. At that point, the deal is all but done and the details are left to the lawyers to work out. Of course reality is somewhat different. Coverage of the hit show “Shark Tank” […]

Be the (right) buyer
“I’m going to give you a little advice. There’s a force in the universe that makes things happen; all you have to do is get in touch with it. Stop thinking…let things happen…and be…the ball.” – Ty Webb to Danny Noonan (Caddyshack, 1980) There’s a lot written on how sellers can “find the right buyer”, […]

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