Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The value of a phone call

I was recently at a panel presentation hosted by a local technology firm.  One of the panelists recounted his recent success landing a multi-million dollar order with a big box retailer. It was a complex story and situation.  The product has to be on the shelves for the holidays, and so had to ship in […]

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Manufacturing on a roll

June’s ISM report illustrates the ongoing momentum in the manufacturing sector.  With the PMI® at 53.5%, economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded for the 30th consecutive month, and the overall economy grew for the 73rd consecutive month. The production and employment indices were up from May. 11 of the 18 manufacturing industries reported growth in […]

Monday, May 18, 2015

Looking ahead at manufacturing M&A activity

The news from the manufacturing sector over the past few months has been mixed.  Many firms are experiencing headwinds from the strong US dollar.  The most recent ISM PMI results have been at 51.5, the lowest level of the past couple of years.  Recent PwC research suggests that the share of US M&A in the […]

Monday, April 20, 2015

Mind the Funding Gap

THE SERIES A CRUNCH I recently published a whitepaper on the challenges that early stage therapeutic device companies are having raising money, along with what I hope is some meaningful advice on alternative funding options. The gist of the article is that friends and family money is still fairly easy to come by. Initial seed round funding […]

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Brand Equity Builds Stockholder Equity

To build enterprise value in the food & beverage industry, build brand equity.  Consumer loyalty to a brand generates repeat purchases; repeat purchase patterns create annuity-like cash flows; recurring revenues reduce investors’ and acquirers’ perceptions of risk and increase the valuation paid for the brand marketer’s stock or business. But how do you cook up […]

Monday, March 30, 2015

Three ways the strong dollar affects your business

How many businesses do you know that increased their prices 28% last year? If you answered “we all did“, then you would be right. At this time last year, a European customer buying $100,000 of your made-in-the-USA products would have viewed that as a €73,000 cost. Today, that same purchase costs your customer €92,000, an […]

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A 10-Year Review & Analysis of Med-Tech Funding Trends

In the past, the next step would be for venture or institutional funds to take technology through to approval and market introduction. For a fairly straightforward 510K device this might be another $1 to 3 million. For a PMA device it could run upwards of $30 to 50 million or more. No matter where you are […]

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Three places good businesses come from

At Mirus, we work with middle-market companies, typically closely-held and often “organically grown” with the founder(s) still involved.  Most of our clients have built their business around particular cultures (customer-oriented, cost-driven, innovation-centered, team-oriented, etc.), strategy (focus, cost, etc.) as well as particular capabilities, often developed following early success with one or more significant customers.  Sometimes […]