Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Entrepreneur’s Path – It is All About Perspective

Foreshorten: to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained. I recently had the opportunity to reconnect with a former colleague who is an executive with Intrinsic Therapeutics, an “early stage” medical device company, with a very clever technology.  It is early […]

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Impact of the Test, Measurement and Certification Industry

The tools and techniques used in test and measurement, and in certification work, are essential in advancing new technologies and businesses. Starting with basic weights and measures in antiquity, to protractors, sextants, clocks, to spectrometers and oscilloscopes, and advancing to the most modern metrology tools and services, this industry continues to support innovation across the […]

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Three Key Ingredients for a Successful Roll-Up Strategy

Over the last several months, we’ve talked to numerous businesses contemplating roll-up strategies.   These businesses represent a wide cross section of industries ranging from industrial manufacturing, financial services, and medical services to IT software and services.   We expect add-on and roll-up activity to be a large piece of the overall M&A pie in 2020 and […]

Sunday, November 23, 2014

NP Tech: The Non-Profit Sector is Heating Up

When people think of software and technology for the non-profit sector, they generally think of Blackbaud, and more recently, Salesforce.com.  Blackbaud is the biggest player in non-profits for sure, with over $546 million in revenue over the past twelve months, but Salesforce.com (which gives software away to small non-profits through its charitable foundation) is coming […]

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

$100 billion of M&A in a day

“Merger Madness” was the headline this Monday as $100 billion in deals were announced.  Halliburton (acquiring Baker Hughes) and Actavis (acquiring Allergan) shared the spotlight. These two big deals are just the latest in an already strong year for M&A.  The total value for acquisitions of U.S. companies stood at $1.354 trillion before Monday’s news, up […]

Monday, November 17, 2014

A good question to consider before hiring that executive

Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase spoke a few years back to a business school class and he posed an interesting question.  When considering whether to promote or hire an executive, ask yourself “would you want your kids to work for this person?” It was asked in the context of what makes a good executive […]

Saturday, November 08, 2014

M&A: Keep it clean. Disposables, protective equipment, single-use technologies, and cleanroom operations on the rise.

  The world can be a messy place.  Companies that focus on keeping it a bit (or a lot) cleaner play an important role in public health, medical research and pharmaceutical manufacturing, to name just a few areas.   The economic impact of contamination in those fields can be tremendous.  Add to that the public […]

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bright Summer for Manufacturing – Best Performance in a Decade

This August was not the time to be away on vacation if you’re in manufacturing.  According to the Institute for Supply Management (ISM), new orders reached a level not seen since April 2004 and the pace of growth rose in August to its highest level since March 2011. The ISM said its index of national factory […]