Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Monday, October 28, 2013

BPO Trend Spotting – “Nearshoring”

American firms are finding that native proficiency in languages such as Italian and German, as well as Spanish, coupled with the closer proximity to headquarters are some of the benefits that client corporations can obtain from “nearshore” BPO.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

M&A Activity Heats Up in the BPO Space

Procurian, Pactera, and PMSI were acquired during the month of October. Demand has increased for BPO services. This trend, paired with a lower cost of capital for would-be acquirers has resulted in a spate of transactions in recent weeks.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Healthcare – Expecting increases in deal activity

Healthcare services M&A is expected to accelerate in the coming months, according to a recent GE Capital survey of healthcare services executive. Increased optimism about business performance is a key driver. In that survey, 88% of executives indicated that M&A is in their near-term future. The survey examined the expectations of more than 200 senior […]

Monday, September 23, 2013

R&D conference at MIT Features Presentations by Leading Experts

Startups and Inventors – Consider participating as a startup exhibitor in this year’s MIT R&D conference on November 13-14. The conference features research presentations by leading experts and provides opportunities to network with MIT faculty and industry executives. In addition to general sessions, attendees will choose among multiple concurrent tracks with themes.

Monday, July 08, 2013

When a Non-binding Term Sheet Becomes Binding

From Mintz Levin: “Although letters of intent and term sheets represent the first step in nearly all negotiated corporate transactions, parties should be aware of court rulings enforcing purportedly non-binding letters of intent. Parties should proceed with caution when drafting letters of intent or term sheets and in their course of conduct surrounding the negotiations of definitive agreements to help ensure they are not later bound to their ‘non-binding’ term sheet.”

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Middle-Market Monitor (new intel from Mirus Capital Advisors)

According to the latest market data, the economy is improving. Durable goods orders were up 3.3% in April, housing starts and home prices are rising, and consumer confidence is on the mend.

Posted by in News, Editorial
Sunday, June 09, 2013

US-China summit reminds us that face-to-face is good for business

All the technology in the world cannot replace the effectiveness of a good old fashioned sit down.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

7 Deadly Sins to Avoid When Acquiring a Business

Why do so many acquisitions fail? Because those companies failed to avoid these 7 Deadly Sins.