Sunday, November 23, 2014
NP Tech: The Non-Profit Sector is Heating Up
When people think of software and technology for the non-profit sector, they generally think of Blackbaud, and more recently, Blackbaud is the biggest player in non-profits for sure, with over $546 million in revenue over the past twelve months, but (which gives software away to small non-profits through its charitable foundation) is coming […]

Monday, October 21, 2013
Healthcare – Expecting increases in deal activity
Healthcare services M&A is expected to accelerate in the coming months, according to a recent GE Capital survey of healthcare services executive. Increased optimism about business performance is a key driver. In that survey, 88% of executives indicated that M&A is in their near-term future. The survey examined the expectations of more than 200 senior […]

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