Changing gears in the acquisition engine
How has the M&A market shifted? The COVID-19 health crisis and ensuing economic disruption has impacted virtually every aspect of society. While, in the midst of this uncertainty, it may be challenging to think long-term, we are seeing some companies start to plan for acquisitions in the coming months. These companies are well-capitalized, and have […]

M&A Representations & Warranties: “Risk”y Business
In the sale of a privately-owned company, the purchase & sale agreement serves two key purposes. First, of course, it states the purchase price to be paid for the stock or the assets of the business and the terms and conditions of how and when that price is to be paid. Second, the agreement allocates […]

Be the (right) buyer
“I’m going to give you a little advice. There’s a force in the universe that makes things happen; all you have to do is get in touch with it. Stop thinking…let things happen…and be…the ball.” – Ty Webb to Danny Noonan (Caddyshack, 1980) There’s a lot written on how sellers can “find the right buyer”, […]

Answers to Questions from Middle Market C-Suite Executives: Part 2
This week Mirus partner Andrew Crain is answering questions from C-suite executives of middle market companies about investment bankers’ role advising private business owners. Here is Part Two of the Q&A: Question: What are the biggest mistakes a middle market company makes in engaging in its first acquistion? Underestimating the importance of company culture is […]

4 ways to maintain confidentiality when selling a business
Many business owners we work with when selling a company express deep concerns about maintaining the confidentiality of the M&A process: “If my competitors learn that my business is for sale, they’ll tell their sales force and all my customers will know.” This is a concern with which I’m painfully familiar.When selling my family’s fifth-generation […]

A Review of 2014 Medical Device M&A
The Medical Device Industry Goes Big in 2014 It has clearly been an exciting year in the medical device M&A space if one is stimulated by sheer deal size. Three of the top ten healthcare acquisitions of the year are medical device deals, with the Medtronic/Covidien blockbuster leading the way. Top 10 Largest Health Care […]

A&D – Opportunistic deals coming for the middle market
When most people think of M&A in the A&D sector, they think big. United Technologies acquiring Goodrich, Providence Equity / SRA, Lockheed / Martin Marietta, Northrop / Litton / Grumman / Westinghouse. These mega-deals have transformed the industry over the past 30 years. However, A&D is an innovative sector with smaller companies leading development of […]

Healthcare – Expecting increases in deal activity
Healthcare services M&A is expected to accelerate in the coming months, according to a recent GE Capital survey of healthcare services executive. Increased optimism about business performance is a key driver. In that survey, 88% of executives indicated that M&A is in their near-term future. The survey examined the expectations of more than 200 senior […]

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