Mind the Funding Gap
THE SERIES A CRUNCH I recently published a whitepaper on the challenges that early stage therapeutic device companies are having raising money, along with what I hope is some meaningful advice on alternative funding options. The gist of the article is that friends and family money is still fairly easy to come by. Initial seed round funding […]

Small Business Investment Incentives – US vs. UK
As reported in the Angel Capital Association news-letter last week, The House passed the “Tax Increase Prevention Act” (TIPA) that amongst other things would exclude 100% of capital gains on the stock of small businesses acquired in 2014 and held for more than five years. It also eliminates the gain as an Alternative Minimum Tax […]

Harvard Study Says Angels Add Value to Start-ups
“Overall, the results suggest that the bundle of inputs that angel investors provide have a large and significant impact on the success and survival of start-up ventures,” the study says.
The study examined the performance of 130 firms that received interest from Tech Coast Angels and CommonAngels between 2001 and 2006. The samples include companies that ultimately won funding or were turned down.

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