You’re selling. When and how to share the news.
After years of hard work on the business and months of effort on the deal, you’re finally steps from the finish line. It is a monumental accomplishment that takes careful planning and a significant investment of time. Perhaps you have enrolled a couple of key managers in the opportunity, but the rest of the team, including […]

Retail consolidation – is it a good thing?
Retail sales are a constant presence in our lives and on the TV, computer, and mobile device screens we look at. So, when we shop, where do we go? More and more, directly or indirectly, most consumers wind up buying from one of three e-commerce giants — Amazon, Walmart, or eBay. What is the current […]

Mirus Capital Advisors – Valuing Accomplishment in 2018
2018 was another active and exciting year for Mirus Capital Advisors. We closed ten middle-market transactions, brought aboard two senior bankers, and joined and international network of professional firms. We continue to keep our clients’ interests at heart and are particularly proud that so much of our 2018 business was referred to us by former […]

Selling Big
One of the things we pride ourselves on at Mirus has been our success with selling middle market companies to global strategic acquirers. In the past few years, we’ve closed nine transactions with global Fortune 500 and other large public companies for lower-middle market clients whose size averaged under $30 million in revenues. The revenues for […]

M&A Representations & Warranties: “Risk”y Business
In the sale of a privately-owned company, the purchase & sale agreement serves two key purposes. First, of course, it states the purchase price to be paid for the stock or the assets of the business and the terms and conditions of how and when that price is to be paid. Second, the agreement allocates […]

The Einstein Effect
The recent headline “Einstein’s Note On Happiness, Given To Bellboy In 1922, Fetches $1.6 Million” demonstrates a few things relevant to valuation. Albert Einstein, the German-born theoretical physicist, father of the theory of relativity and the famous E = mc^2, and soon-to-be Nobel prize winner, was travelling to Tokyo in 1922 when he learned was […]

Food M&A Heats Up
Over the past decade there has been a bifurcation of M&A activity in the food industry, as “better for you” health & wellness brands have attracted strong acquisition interest from both strategic and financial acquirers while more traditional steady, solid, profitable, but lower-growth food manufacturing businesses have not attracted as much attention. That is changing […]

The myth of the handshake deal
It’s routine in nearly every movie about business — the scene where the two parties hash it out, reach agreement and shake hands. At that point, the deal is all but done and the details are left to the lawyers to work out. Of course reality is somewhat different. Coverage of the hit show “Shark Tank” […]

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