Bright Spots in a Cloudy Forecast
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting the economy across many industries as consumers and businesses delay purchases or postpone new projects until visibility improves. Some technology companies will not be immune from the slowdown – IDC projects worldwide IT spending will decline by 2.7% in 2020 – but there are several segments within the Technology […]

Mirus Capital Advisors – Valuing Accomplishment in 2018
2018 was another active and exciting year for Mirus Capital Advisors. We closed ten middle-market transactions, brought aboard two senior bankers, and joined and international network of professional firms. We continue to keep our clients’ interests at heart and are particularly proud that so much of our 2018 business was referred to us by former […]

Congratulations to Eutecus on its Sale to Sensity Systems and Subsequently Verizon
I would like to offer my congratulations to Csaba Rekeczky and the folks at Eutecus on the successful sale of their company to Sensity Systems (see The entire Mirus team, including Peter Alternative and I, are proud to have acted as advisors in this transaction and are pleased to play a part in helping […]

Open Source and the impact on Selling your Software Business
Now before I start, let me say that this is not a judgement on the use of open source as a part of your development strategy. My opinion is that in general that open source initiative has been a great boon to the software development community and by sharing code and tools, developers have saved […]

NP Tech: The Non-Profit Sector is Heating Up
When people think of software and technology for the non-profit sector, they generally think of Blackbaud, and more recently, Blackbaud is the biggest player in non-profits for sure, with over $546 million in revenue over the past twelve months, but (which gives software away to small non-profits through its charitable foundation) is coming […]

Smaller Software Companies Enjoy Increased Options Based on Growing Private Equity Interest in Technology
Over the last five years the technology sector has attracted an increasing number of private equity investors. More specifically, platform investments (financial) and follow-on acquisitions (hybrid) have grown 25% and 30% respectively over the last five years, based on our analysis of CAPIQ data. When we parsed the data to identify the most active private […]

A&D – Opportunistic deals coming for the middle market
When most people think of M&A in the A&D sector, they think big. United Technologies acquiring Goodrich, Providence Equity / SRA, Lockheed / Martin Marietta, Northrop / Litton / Grumman / Westinghouse. These mega-deals have transformed the industry over the past 30 years. However, A&D is an innovative sector with smaller companies leading development of […]

The next wave for Healthcare IT
Last fall, ACG Boston hosted Edward Marx, Chairman of the Texas Health Services Authority and senior vice president and chief information officer at Texas Health Resources, one of the largest faith-based, nonprofit healthcare delivery systems in the U.S., and (as announced last week) the 2013 John E. Gall Jr. CIO of the Year, an award given […]

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