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General, Value of Accomplishment, Mirus Capital Advisors

10 Questions with Stuart Rose

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Stuart Rose is a Partner at Mirus and a recognized expert in direct marketing and retail investment banking. With over 15 years of deal making experience he has completed sell-side and buy-side transactions for clients such as Cuddledown, Victorian Trading Company, Imaginova, S&S Worldwide, AmeriMark, and the Thompson Group.  Stuart holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude, in Economics and Philosophy from Brandeis University and an MBA from Harvard University.

1. What attracted you about joining the Mirus team?

I knew Andy Crain from a prior firm where I had worked for more than 10 years.  I was drawn to Mirus because of its collaborative mindset, exciting clients, and the opportunity to source deals – plus all of the great things Andy had told me about the Mirus team.

2. How did you get into investment banking?

I had been an executive at retail catalog and ecommerce companies for 20 years, and at the time I was CEO of a venture which needed to close.  My prior IB firm had history with catalog and ecommerce companies, but no specialist in that industry, so joining that firm was a great fit at the time.

3. What was your first job?

My first job was selling jewelry at a costume jewelry chain in Boston.  On my first day of work the register was $20 short, and assuming it was my mistake, I offered to give the owner $20 to make up the difference.  While the owner did not take me up on this offer, I believe it was his way of testing me to see if I would be an honest and responsible employee.

4. What is the best piece of business advice you’ve been given?

The best piece of business advice I’ve received was from business school:

“Marketing is deciding who not to sell to” – this goes hand in hand with the ability to say no.

I use it often when speaking with prospects.  Of course, I try to use it in my business as well.

5. Is there a deal story you can share that highlights “The Value of Accomplishment”?

We represented the owners of an ecommerce business in the craft space.  The owners had a choice between two strong competitors as acquirers.  Together we chose the one that was the right fit for them.  The next year, another yarn client of ours sold to the other bidder, which was the right fit for them.

6. Which Boston sports team will win the next championship?

Celtics in 2022!

7. What are your favorite books?

Non Fiction – How to Read the Bible & Hamilton

Fiction – 1984 & The Hobbit

8. What is a talent/hobby you have that no one would suspect?

I collect playing cards and currently have around 200 decks.

9. Who is “man’s best friend”? Dog / Cat / Other

My wife

10. What are your favorite things to do outside the office?

Play cards, collect art / portraits, travel, and spend time with my wife.