Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Three places good businesses come from

At Mirus, we work with middle-market companies, typically closely-held and often “organically grown” with the founder(s) still involved.  Most of our clients have built their business around particular cultures (customer-oriented, cost-driven, innovation-centered, team-oriented, etc.), strategy (focus, cost, etc.) as well as particular capabilities, often developed following early success with one or more significant customers.  Sometimes […]

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

4 ways to maintain confidentiality when selling a business

Many business owners we work with when selling a company express deep concerns about maintaining the confidentiality of the M&A process:  “If my competitors learn that my business is for sale, they’ll tell their sales force and all my customers will know.” This is a concern with which I’m painfully familiar.When selling my family’s fifth-generation […]

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The $360 billion revenue question

The way you recognize you company’s revenues is about to change. In particular, the way companies recognize revenue for licenses and long-term contracts, including the those traditionally measured under a “percentage-of-completion” method, will be affected by changes FASB has planned to make effective January 1, 2017.  The total amount of deferred revenue on the books […]

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Review of 2014 Medical Device M&A

The Medical Device Industry Goes Big in 2014 It has clearly been an exciting year in the medical device M&A space if one is stimulated by sheer deal size. Three of the top ten healthcare acquisitions of the year are medical device deals, with the Medtronic/Covidien blockbuster leading the way. Top 10 Largest Health Care […]

Monday, December 15, 2014

Where is your company headed?

We work with middle-market companies, many of which are clear outperformers – more profitable than peers, with great employees, and better growth prospects.  Some attributes of good businesses can be captured in a snapshot – profit margin, return on invested capital – these are one-dimensional “scalar” quantities.  They each give us a nice understanding of a […]

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Three Key Ingredients for a Successful Roll-Up Strategy

Over the last several months, we’ve talked to numerous businesses contemplating roll-up strategies.   These businesses represent a wide cross section of industries ranging from industrial manufacturing, financial services, and medical services to IT software and services.   We expect add-on and roll-up activity to be a large piece of the overall M&A pie in 2020 and […]

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

$100 billion of M&A in a day

“Merger Madness” was the headline this Monday as $100 billion in deals were announced.  Halliburton (acquiring Baker Hughes) and Actavis (acquiring Allergan) shared the spotlight. These two big deals are just the latest in an already strong year for M&A.  The total value for acquisitions of U.S. companies stood at $1.354 trillion before Monday’s news, up […]

Saturday, November 08, 2014

M&A: Keep it clean. Disposables, protective equipment, single-use technologies, and cleanroom operations on the rise.

  The world can be a messy place.  Companies that focus on keeping it a bit (or a lot) cleaner play an important role in public health, medical research and pharmaceutical manufacturing, to name just a few areas.   The economic impact of contamination in those fields can be tremendous.  Add to that the public […]