2024 Year in Review
As 2024 comes to a close, I’d like to thank our Mirus Capital Advisors team members for their dedication and hard work in support of our clients this year. Thanks also to our legal, financial, and professional services colleagues who have provided clients with valuable advice throughout the year, and special thanks to our clients for […]

Congratulations to Eutecus on its Sale to Sensity Systems and Subsequently Verizon
I would like to offer my congratulations to Csaba Rekeczky and the folks at Eutecus on the successful sale of their company to Sensity Systems (see http://merger.com/transactions/eutecus-acquired-sensity-systems/). The entire Mirus team, including Peter Alternative and I, are proud to have acted as advisors in this transaction and are pleased to play a part in helping […]

Open Source and the impact on Selling your Software Business
Now before I start, let me say that this is not a judgement on the use of open source as a part of your development strategy. My opinion is that in general that open source initiative has been a great boon to the software development community and by sharing code and tools, developers have saved […]

Three ways the strong dollar affects your business
How many businesses do you know that increased their prices 28% last year? If you answered “we all did“, then you would be right. At this time last year, a European customer buying $100,000 of your made-in-the-USA products would have viewed that as a €73,000 cost. Today, that same purchase costs your customer €92,000, an […]

A Review of 2014 Medical Device M&A
The Medical Device Industry Goes Big in 2014 It has clearly been an exciting year in the medical device M&A space if one is stimulated by sheer deal size. Three of the top ten healthcare acquisitions of the year are medical device deals, with the Medtronic/Covidien blockbuster leading the way. Top 10 Largest Health Care […]

The Psychology of Selling a Business
There are many reasons why owners and founders come to Mirus Capital Advisors to sell their business, and I will spare you a comprehensive list, but in 17 years of selling businesses, I’ve been fascinated to see how often psychology comes into the decision-making process. By far, the most common answer to the question […]

Small Business Investment Incentives – US vs. UK
As reported in the Angel Capital Association news-letter last week, The House passed the “Tax Increase Prevention Act” (TIPA) that amongst other things would exclude 100% of capital gains on the stock of small businesses acquired in 2014 and held for more than five years. It also eliminates the gain as an Alternative Minimum Tax […]

BPO Trend Spotting – “Nearshoring”
American firms are finding that native proficiency in languages such as Italian and German, as well as Spanish, coupled with the closer proximity to headquarters are some of the benefits that client corporations can obtain from “nearshore” BPO.

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