A 10-Year Review & Analysis of Med-Tech Funding Trends
In the past, the next step would be for venture or institutional funds to take technology through to approval and market introduction. For a fairly straightforward 510K device this might be another $1 to 3 million. For a PMA device it could run upwards of $30 to 50 million or more. No matter where you are […]

Three places good businesses come from
At Mirus, we work with middle-market companies, typically closely-held and often “organically grown” with the founder(s) still involved. Most of our clients have built their business around particular cultures (customer-oriented, cost-driven, innovation-centered, team-oriented, etc.), strategy (focus, cost, etc.) as well as particular capabilities, often developed following early success with one or more significant customers. Sometimes […]

4 ways to maintain confidentiality when selling a business
Many business owners we work with when selling a company express deep concerns about maintaining the confidentiality of the M&A process: “If my competitors learn that my business is for sale, they’ll tell their sales force and all my customers will know.” This is a concern with which I’m painfully familiar.When selling my family’s fifth-generation […]

The $360 billion revenue question
The way you recognize you company’s revenues is about to change. In particular, the way companies recognize revenue for licenses and long-term contracts, including the those traditionally measured under a “percentage-of-completion” method, will be affected by changes FASB has planned to make effective January 1, 2017. The total amount of deferred revenue on the books […]

The Psychology of Selling a Business
There are many reasons why owners and founders come to Mirus Capital Advisors to sell their business, and I will spare you a comprehensive list, but in 17 years of selling businesses, I’ve been fascinated to see how often psychology comes into the decision-making process. By far, the most common answer to the question […]

The Entrepreneur’s Path – It is All About Perspective
Foreshorten: to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained. I recently had the opportunity to reconnect with a former colleague who is an executive with Intrinsic Therapeutics, an “early stage” medical device company, with a very clever technology. It is early […]

Smaller Software Companies Enjoy Increased Options Based on Growing Private Equity Interest in Technology
Over the last five years the technology sector has attracted an increasing number of private equity investors. More specifically, platform investments (financial) and follow-on acquisitions (hybrid) have grown 25% and 30% respectively over the last five years, based on our analysis of CAPIQ data. When we parsed the data to identify the most active private […]

Recurring revenue counts in industries far beyond software
The recurring revenue (“RR”) business model gets a lot of attention in software M&A and growth investment, and for good reason. Most growing subscription/ software-as-a-service (SaaS)-based software companies trade in the public markets for north of 6x revenue and many of those fortunate few with annual revenue growth over 40% trade for over 10x revenue. […]

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