Bright Spots in a Cloudy Forecast
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting the economy across many industries as consumers and businesses delay purchases or postpone new projects until visibility improves. Some technology companies will not be immune from the slowdown – IDC projects worldwide IT spending will decline by 2.7% in 2020 – but there are several segments within the Technology […]

Changing gears in the acquisition engine
How has the M&A market shifted? The COVID-19 health crisis and ensuing economic disruption has impacted virtually every aspect of society. While, in the midst of this uncertainty, it may be challenging to think long-term, we are seeing some companies start to plan for acquisitions in the coming months. These companies are well-capitalized, and have […]

10 Questions with Kate Soto
Kate Soto is a Partner at Mirus and has been with the firm since 2012. She has more than a decade of experience in M&A and has advised dozens of clients on transactions in a variety of industries. Kate received a BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Management with a concentration in Finance […]

Five Tips for Hosting Remote Meetings
As companies transition to remote work environments, virtual meetings have become the new norm. While this is great news for Zoom and GoToMeeting, the rest of us may need some time to adjust. For those looking for guidance, here are five suggestions to help you get the most out of your meeting. Schedule it out […]

Four things to do now to prepare your business for due diligence
A deal isn’t done when the terms are agreed to in an LOI and is still subject to further due diligence at that point. An acquirer will want to do a detailed review of almost every aspect of your company’s operations. Below are a few of the most common issues that come up in due […]

4 Factors That Can Influence Your Valuation
For many years I have written that a company’s value during a sale process is determined primarily by three variables: Size of the company, growth of the company, and profits of the company. Of course, that is overly simplistic. Many other factors influence the value of a company. Several examples are: the industry in which […]

Direct Marketing Deal Elements
By Stuart Rose, Mirus Capital Advisors and Geoff Wolf, Wolf Direct There are important numbers and concepts used to evaluate the acquisition of companies. Sales, growth, profitability, Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), and discounted cash flow (DCF). All of these are important when presenting a company for sale in a Confidential Information […]

Five reasons why 2020 is the right year to sell your business
Small business owners often struggle with the question: when is the right time to sell my business? While there’s no “one size fits all” answer and there may be a myriad of reasons to stick with a business and reinvest over the longer term (based on the owner’s age, risk profile, the maturity of the […]

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