Keeping Score: Can online retailers scale profitably?
I was recently featured in a DigitalCommerce360 article entitled “Keeping Score: Can online retailers scale profitably?”, and with their permission, I am sharing the article below. Don Davis | Dec 30, 2022 Some of the most successful online-only retailers of the past decade have gone public in recent years, but their stocks have taken a big […]

Every Owner Exits – Part III
This month, I conclude my series on exit options (see Part I and Part II) with a discussion of recapitalizations and ESOPs. Recapitalizations Minority recapitalization is a type of investment in which an investor provides debt and equity capital in exchange for a less than 50% ownership stake in a company. Capital can be used […]

Every Owner Exits – Part II
As a follow-up to last month’s blog, I’d like to share some additional thoughts on exit options. Below I discuss the options of going public or selling a business. Go Public When a firm decides to go public, there are three primary options Traditional IPO – the company hires an investment bank to underwrite the […]

Every Owner Exits
There comes a time in every business owner’s life when he or she will move on. Exiting an ownership position can take many forms, from a very public IPO, to a gift to the heirs, a sale to new owners, to, I dare say, a tragic death at the desk. This article highlights the characteristics […]

COVID-19 Impact on E-Commerce
Approximately 51% of United States residents are at least partially vaccinated as of June 2021. With the rate of positive COVID-19 cases dipping, we are slowly watching the country return to pre-pandemic life. As we watch life return to normal, it is clear that there will be potent effects to both retail and e-commerce in […]

E-Commerce Valuation and the COVID-19 Bump
COVID-19 is the story of the year 2020. It had a profound effect on our businesses, politics, health and relationships. Analyzing the effects on relationships, politics and health should be left to doctors, therapists and pundits. How it affected business, especially e-commerce, is fascinating. While much of the country was shut down beginning in mid-March […]

4 Factors That Can Influence Your Valuation
For many years I have written that a company’s value during a sale process is determined primarily by three variables: Size of the company, growth of the company, and profits of the company. Of course, that is overly simplistic. Many other factors influence the value of a company. Several examples are: the industry in which […]

Direct Marketing Deal Elements
By Stuart Rose, Mirus Capital Advisors and Geoff Wolf, Wolf Direct There are important numbers and concepts used to evaluate the acquisition of companies. Sales, growth, profitability, Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), and discounted cash flow (DCF). All of these are important when presenting a company for sale in a Confidential Information […]

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