Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Pre-Sale Planning to Achieve a Successful Outcome

Selling a business is rarely so straightforward as accepting an offer and then moving on to the closing.  After an offer is accepted, the buyer’s due diligence process may uncover issues that could imperil the deal, as can the negotiation of the non-economic aspects of the deal.  Common obstacles include tax consequences of selling assets vs. stock, non-compete agreements, indemnification, contracts with customers or vendors, intellectual property issues, and the retention of key employees.   Mirus Capital Advisors works with clients (and potential clients) to surface these issues before the sale process begins, and craft creative solutions that reduce the opportunity for surprises down the road.  Over the years, pre-sale planning has saved our clients well over $100 million in taxes and has made it possible to close many complex transactions without costly delays.

Contact Us to discuss the Mirus sale process, or to learn more about Sellside Advisory, the Mirus Sale Process, Selling a Family Business, Corporate Divestitures, Distressed M&A, or achieving Partial Liquidity.