Partial Liquidity Events
In closely-held businesses, situations inevitably arise when one or more shareholders desire liquidity. In other cases, one or more shareholders want to sell their equity stake in a business while other shareholders wish to continue operating the company. In these delicate situations, Mirus can assist with determining a fair value for the selling shareholder’s equity and arrange for third party financing for such partial buy-outs, either from traditional lenders, private equity sponsors, hedge funds, or REITs, that will allow the remaining shareholders to buy-out their partner and maintain control of the business.
Contact Us to discuss the Mirus sale process, or to learn more about Sellside Advisory, the Mirus Sale Process, Pre-sale Planning, Selling a Family Business, Corporate Divestitures, or Distressed M&A.
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The investment banking team at Mirus Capital Advisors exceeded my expectations for professionalism and service. Their thoughtful and timely advice was instrumental in helping us navigate a rigorous due diligence process and negotiate a transaction that provided a superior outcome for our principals, our shareholders and our customers.
Andrew Taylor,Founder and CEO, MacSpeech