Mirus Capital AdvisorsMirus Capital Advisors

Corporate Divestitures and Spin-Offs

Mirus provides sell-side investment banking and divestiture solutions for public and private corporations, boards of directors, and special committees. The spin-off or divestiture of non-core assets and corporate divisions is a valuable option for increasing liquidity and improving long-term shareholder value.

The Mirus team has advised on nearly one hundred corporate divestitures, ranging from the sale of a single product line or manufacturing facility to complex break-ups and corporate restructuring involving multiple transactions. Our hands-on approach makes it possible for the business unit to continue operating with minimum distraction during the sale process, providing your organization with the manpower and resources to navigate the due diligence process and guide the transaction to a successful closing.

Contact Us to discuss the Mirus sale process, or to learn more about Sellside Advisory, the Mirus Sale Process, Pre-sale Planning, Selling a Family Business, Distressed M&A, or achieving Partial Liquidity.